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狗狗也能吃的紫薯蛋糕的做法图解 做法步骤

🥳少爷的八岁生日 🥳
🎃紫薯南瓜蛋糕 再浇上了酸奶🍠


蛋糕 Cake
紫薯 Purple Sweet Potato 200g
南瓜 Pumpkin 100g
自发面粉 Sel-raising Flour 230g
全蛋 Whole Egg 55g
油 Oil 40g
蜂蜜 Honey 20g
泡打粉 Baking Powder 10g
奶油 Icing
紫薯 Purple Sweet Potato 50g
原味酸奶 Plain Yoghurt 80g
原味椰子碎 Unsweetened Shredded Coconut 20g


  1. 紫薯和南瓜切成块熟(大约20分钟)
    Cut the sweet popcorn and pumpkin and steam for about 20 minutes

  2. 南瓜切成小丁备用,紫薯剥皮后碾成泥(记得留一些出来给最后的奶油哦)
    Dice the pumpkin and squash the sweet potato (remember to leave some out for the icing later)

  3. 紫薯泥中加入鸡蛋搅拌均匀后,加入过筛的面粉、泡打粉、油和蜂蜜,混合均匀
    After adding egg to the squashed sweet potato and mixed, add sifted flour, baking powder, oil and honey to the mixture to mix into a batter

  4. 蛋糕糊放满磨具的一半,加入适量南瓜丁,再用蛋糕糊填满磨具,最后在加上几块南瓜
    Fill half of the cake tin with the batter and add a layer of diced pumpkin, then fill the in until full and top with pumpkin

  5. 放入140摄氏度预热的烤箱,烤35分钟
    Bake in 140 Celsius preheated oven for 35 minutes

  6. 剩余的紫薯泥和酸奶混合
    Mix rest of the squashed sweet potato with yoghurt for the icing

  7. 蛋糕出炉后晾凉,表面均匀涂抹紫薯奶油
    After baking, leave cake to cool until spread the icing evenly on top

  8. 洒上椰子碎就可以和狗狗一起享用啦
    Sprinkle on shredded coconut to serve with the little friend

    狗狗也能吃的紫薯蛋糕的做法图解 做法步骤 第2张


To make self-raising flour, for every 100g of plain flour add 5.5g baking powder and 1g salt

Consistency of icing can altered according to need by changing the ratio

Put the icing on when eating or the cake may become soggy

狗零食 紫薯鸡肉狗饼干食谱大全及做法,烹饪好吃的狗零食 紫薯鸡肉狗饼干方法 狗狗零食紫薯鸡肉丸食谱大全及做法,烹饪好吃的狗狗零食紫薯鸡肉丸方法 狗狗零食之紫薯鸡肉球食谱大全及做法,烹饪好吃的狗狗零食之紫薯鸡肉球方法 狗狗生日 狗狗小蛋糕 狗爪玛德琳食谱大全及做法,烹饪好吃的狗狗生日 狗狗小蛋糕 狗爪玛德琳方法 狗狗零食 紫薯鸡肉饼食谱大全及做法,烹饪好吃的狗狗零食 紫薯鸡肉饼方法 狗狗紫薯丸子的做法步骤详细图,操作简单味道好 鸭肉紫薯蒸饺(狗狗专属)食谱大全及做法,烹饪好吃的鸭肉紫薯蒸饺(狗狗专属)方法 地道的小狗蛋糕怎么做,如何烹饪小狗蛋糕才更好吃 狗狗自制粮&狗狗蛋糕食谱大全及做法,烹饪好吃的狗狗自制粮&狗狗蛋糕方法 狗狗紫薯高钙小饼干食谱大全及做法,烹饪好吃的狗狗紫薯高钙小饼干方法 狗狗食谱——紫薯牛肉团子食谱大全及做法,烹饪好吃的狗狗食谱——紫薯牛肉团子方法 狗狗零食:紫薯鸡肉干食谱大全及做法,烹饪好吃的狗狗零食:紫薯鸡肉干方法 狗狗也过年 狗狗饺子食谱大全及做法,烹饪好吃的狗狗也过年 狗狗饺子方法 狗狗零食——紫薯燕麦饼干食谱大全及做法,烹饪好吃的狗狗零食——紫薯燕麦饼干方法 烤箱版紫薯干(狗狗零食)食谱大全及做法,烹饪好吃的烤箱版紫薯干(狗狗零食)方法