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酱油腊味炒饭 Fried rice with Cantonese sausage and soy sauce flavour

栏目: 炒饭 / 发布于: / 人气:3.09W
Fried rice with Cantonese sausage and soy sauce flavour的做法步骤图

Chinese/Cantonese sausage tastes a bit sweet, together with the flavour of soy sause and rice, make it a unique  Cantonese fried rice.


新鲜米饭 Fresh cooked rice 2 bows
广式腊肉 Chinese sauage 1/2 piece
胡萝卜 carrot 1/2
黄瓜 cucumber 1/2
新鲜香菇 mushroom 3-4 pieces
鸡蛋 egg 2
生抽 soy sause 2-3 spoon
糖 suger 1/3 spoon
葱或香菜 spring onion or coriander as u want

酱油腊味炒饭 Fried rice with Cantonese sausage and soy sauce flavour的做法  

  1. 米饭煮得干一些,煮好后翻一下散散水份。胡萝卜、黄瓜、香菇切粒。
    cook the rice into drier texture. stir it  tenderly after cooked in order to release the moisture in rice. cut carrot, cucumber and mushroom into small cube.

  2. 腊肉切粒,锅不下油,放入腊肉炒出油。放胡萝卜粒、黄瓜粒、香菇粒略翻炒。起锅备用。
    cut the Chinese sausage into little cube and put into wok without oil anf stir fry till the oil in sausage releases. put carrrot, cucumber, and mushroom in the wok to stir fry with the sausage. Put all the ingredients into speard bow when half cooked.

  3. 锅不要洗,再加点油,米饭下锅翻炒至看到饭粒沾上油,粒粒分明。把鸡蛋打散成蛋液倒入米饭,快手翻炒,让蛋液包裹米饭。(如喜欢吃到鸡蛋粒的就不要打蛋液,直接把蛋打入饭内炒)。加入此前炒好的腊味和蔬菜。
    Don't wash the the wok and put extra vegetable oil(at least three spoons). Medium heat. Put rice into the wok and quickly stir fry it. Pour beaten egg onto the fried rice and stir fry quickly. Put the prepared vegetables into the rice, mix them and stir fry gentlely until vegetables fully cooked.

  4. 加生抽、鸡精、少许糖。最后按个人喜好撒些葱花或香菜,起锅。
    Pour in soy sause, sugar. Add spring onion or coriander as you wish.



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