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Steamed Fish in Lemon and Herbs

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Steamed Fish in Lemon and Herbs的做法步骤图



see below

Steamed Fish in Lemon and Herbs的做法  

  1. 1 7-ounce fillet of thick, firm, white, non-oily fish (snapper, trout, sea
    bass, cod, halibut, sole, turbot, whiting, or wild barramundi)
    3 green onions, roots and dark green ends removed, sliced into 1-
    inch lengths
    2 lemon slices, plus an extra lemon wedge for the garnish
    1 tablespoon butter or coconut oil
    1 teaspoon fish sauce (no MSG/E621)
    Pinch of unrefined sea salt
    Handful of fresh cilantro, finely chopped (reserve some for the

  2. Preheat the oven to 230˚F.
    Cut a piece of parchment paper roughly 20 inches long. Place the fish fillet
    in the center and top it with the green onions, lemon slices, butter or
    coconut oil, fish sauce, and salt. Bring the long ends of the paper together
    and fold down securely several times, then fold down or twist the ends
    tightly and fold the ends under the fish. You should have a tightly wrapped
    packet of your fish. Bake for 45 minutes or until just cooked

  3. The fish should easily flake, by this point. Open the parcel and serve
    immediately, with all of its cooking juices, garnished with the lemon wedge
    and a sprinkling of cilantro leaves.


For more of a Mediterranean flavor, swap the cilantro for basil or parsley,
and add to the bag things like halved cherry tomatoes, crushed garlic, raw
black olives, fennel, and/or basil leaves.
For more of an Asian-inspired flavor, add to the bag grated ginger root,
chopped fresh or dried flakes of hot chili pepper, chopped lemongrass, tamari, and/or a couple of tablespoons of coconut cream. Garnish with a
wedge of lime and fresh mint.

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