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Swiss Butchery Cheese Fondue

栏目: 菜谱 / 发布于: / 人气:6.22K
Swiss Butchery Cheese Fondue的做法步骤图

Swiss Butchery Cheese Fondue

dears, we are waiting for you to have a try :)


Gruyère Mild 500 gram
Emmentaler Mild 150 gram
Garlic 2 cloves
Emmi Full Milk 300 ml
Drogheria Black Pepper 2 gram
Nutmeg 2 gram
Cornstarch 60 gram

Swiss Butchery Cheese Fondue的做法  

  1. Rub the inside of a fondue pot with one garlic clove. Finely chop both garlic cloves and place them in the pot.

  2. Add the cheese, cornstarch, pepper and nutmeg. Toss to combine.

  3. Add the milk and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, until the cheese has melted and the mixture is smooth.

  4. Simmer very gently for about 30 seconds. Adjust the seasoning. Place on a fondue burner and serve immediately with the dipping accompaniments of your choice.

  5. Loaf or baguette bread, cubed

  6. Green apple, cut into pieces

  7. Grapes

  8. Ham, cubed

  9. Cooked sausage or dry sausage, sliced

  10. Broccoli or cauliflower, blanched

  11. Cherry tomatoes...



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