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Basic pizza dough

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Basic pizza dough的做法步骤图

Personal notes.


Warm water (about 110 degrees F) 1 cup
Dry active yeast 1 package (.25 ounce)
All-purpose flour 2 3/4 cups
Sugar 1 teaspoon
Salt 1 teaspoon
Olive oil 2 table spoon

Basic pizza dough的做法  

  1. Place water in a small bowl and stir in yeast. Let stand 5 minutes.

  2. In a large bowl, whisk together 2-1/2 cups of the flour, sugar and salt. Make well in the center and add the yeast mixture and olive oil.

  3. Stir until dough comes together and forms a ball. Turn out onto a well-floured surface and knead for 5 minutes, adding as much of the remaining 1/4 cup flour as needed.

  4. Form into a disk and place in a bowl that has been lightly coated with olive oil. Turn disk over and cover bowl with plastic wrap. Allow to rise in a warm place for 2 hours.

  5. Remove dough from bowl and punch down. Roll out into desired diameter.

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