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Corned beef hash

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Corned beef hash的做法步骤图

Serve with fried or poached eggs for breakfast.



Corned beef hash的做法  

  1. 材料

    Corned beef hash的做法步骤图 第2张
  2. 1 Sauté onions in butter: Heat butter in a large skillet (preferably cast iron) on medium heat. Add the onion and cook a few minutes, until translucent.

    Corned beef hash的做法步骤图 第3张
  3. 2 Add potatoes and corned beef: Mix in the chopped corned beef and potatoes. Spread out evenly over the pan. Increase the heat to high or medium high and press down on the mixture with a metal spatula.

    3 Cook until browned, then flip: Do not stir the potatoes and corned beef, but let them brown. If you hear them sizzling, this is good.
    Use a metal spatula to peek underneath and see if they are browning. If nicely browned, use the spatula to flip sections over in the pan so that they brown on the other side. Press down again with the spatula.
    If there is too much sticking, you can add a little more butter to the pan. Continue to cook in this manner until the potatoes and the corned beef are nicely browned.

    Corned beef hash的做法步骤图 第4张
  4. 4 Stir in parsley, black pepper to serve: Remove from heat, stir in chopped parsley. Add plenty of freshly ground black pepper, and add salt to taste.

    Corned beef hash的做法步骤图 第5张
Tags:Beef Corned hash
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