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Ranch and Blue Cheese Dip 牧场蓝奶酪酱

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Ranch and Blue Cheese Dip 牧场蓝奶酪酱的做法步骤图

(Ready in about 10 minutes | Servings 10) This tangy dipping sauce goes perfectly with chicken wings or vegetable sticks. Get your appetizer right with this quick and easy recipe!

Per serving:
94 Calories;
8.1g Fat;
1.3g Carbs;
0.1g Fiber;
4.1g Protein;
0.7g Sugars


Greek-style yogurt希腊酸奶 1/2 cup 半杯
blue cheese, crumbled蓝芝士(干酪的一种) 1 cup 杯
mayonnaise蛋黄酱 1/2 cup 半杯
lime juice柠檬 1 tablespoon 汤匙
Freshly ground black pepper现磨黑胡椒 to taste 适量
ranch seasoning牧场酱 2 tablespoons 汤匙

Ranch and Blue Cheese Dip 牧场蓝奶酪酱的做法  

  1. In a mixing bowl, thoroughly combine all ingredients until well incorporated.

    Ranch and Blue Cheese Dip 牧场蓝奶酪酱的做法步骤图 第2张
  2. Serve well chilled with your favorite keto dippers. Bon appétit!

    Ranch and Blue Cheese Dip 牧场蓝奶酪酱的做法步骤图 第3张


This dip will keep in the refrigerator for approximately one week.
Makes 1.5 cups of dip.

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