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Sticky rice in pineapple bowl

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Sticky rice in pineapple bowl的做法步驟圖

This is a traditional delicacy from the Dai Clan of Xishuangbanna, Yunnan.


Pineapple 1 pc
Sticky rice 2 cups
Dry dates 15 pcs
Dry cranberries 30 pcs
Unsalted butter 20g
Red bean paste 150g
Sugar Optional

Sticky rice in pineapple bowl的做法  

  1. Cook the sticky rice and dates with water in the rice cooker for 20 minuets.

    Sticky rice in pineapple bowl的做法步驟圖 第2張
  2. At the meantime, lay down the pineapple and cut off the top to use as a lid for the pineapple bowl for later.

    Sticky rice in pineapple bowl的做法步驟圖 第3張
  3. Scoop the pineapple layer by layer.

    Sticky rice in pineapple bowl的做法步驟圖 第4張
  4. Take out the hard core and scoop all the pulp to make the pineapple like a bowl. Save the juice for later.

    Sticky rice in pineapple bowl的做法步驟圖 第5張
  5. When the sticky rice is ready, put in the butter and sugar(if wanted) and mix.

    Sticky rice in pineapple bowl的做法步驟圖 第6張
  6. Put in the dry cranberries and small pieces of the pineapple with juice, then mix them evenly.

    Sticky rice in pineapple bowl的做法步驟圖 第7張
  7. Put some mixed sticky rice on the bottom of the pineapple bowl with a thickness of 2cm. Spread it out evenly.

    Sticky rice in pineapple bowl的做法步驟圖 第8張
  8. Put some red bean paste on the sticky rice.

    Sticky rice in pineapple bowl的做法步驟圖 第9張
  9. Repeat the same step until the pineapple bowl is filled up. There will be four rice layers and three red bean paste layers.

    Sticky rice in pineapple bowl的做法步驟圖 第10張
  10. Use some dates for decoration.

    Sticky rice in pineapple bowl的做法步驟圖 第11張
  11. Shake some shredded coconut stuffing on the top. Then enjoy!

    Sticky rice in pineapple bowl的做法步驟圖 第12張
  12. You can also mold the sticky rice with a regular bowl like Chinese eight-treasure rice pudding.

    Sticky rice in pineapple bowl的做法步驟圖 第13張
  13. Or serve in a big tray for a big party.

    Sticky rice in pineapple bowl的做法步驟圖 第14張


Little tips
Don’t forget that you can use the cut-out pineapple lid from earlier to cover the pineapple bowl just as it is a regular fruit. Supposedly, your guests will be surprised. Have fun with it.

Tags:Rice Sticky BOWL
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